By Kevin MecumSenior Digital Marketing Specialist, Watkins Wellness_____________________Right after we got married, my wife suggested we buy a hot tub. Sh...
By Kevin MecumSenior Digital Marketing Specialist, Watkins Wellness_____________________Right after we got married, my wife suggested we buy a hot tub. Sh...
Life can be stressful. It feels like the demands of work, family, and home expand to fill up every available moment. You want to meditate, take up yoga, o...
August 29, 2021With all the hot tub options available on the market, shopping can get confusing. Much like cell phones, hot tubs come in all different siz...
January 28, 2022Both our Sport and Premier Series offer hot tubbers relaxing soaks in easy-to-own spas, but there are a few differences between models. P...
January 05, 2022Now that you have decided on installing a hot tub in your home to make it more relaxing, all you need to do is find the best one to purcha...
January 04, 2022We all know one of the benefits of hot tubs is the warm, steamy water, and massaging jets they offer to help you relax. There are also oth...
November 16, 20213 Reasons Why Freeflow Spas is the Best Affordable Hot TubThere are few better feelings in the world than slipping into a warm, bubbly ho...
If your outdoor space is limited or you’ve made the choice to simplify your lifestyle, you can still enjoy the daily ritual that helps you stay calm, ce...
Congratulations! You’ve decided to take the plunge into hot tub ownership. As you compare manufacturers, models, and features you’re already eagerly a...
You like spending time at home, but for the last few months that’s about all you’ve been doing. Throughout the summer, the need for social distancing ...